Our congregation has people from different cultural backgrounds and many walks of life. Together we are committed to follow our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to build a warm, inclusive fellowship, a living community that is confident enough to speak truthfully about life. We hope you will find our preaching and teaching relevant to your own life. May be you will find that our way of community both meets some of your needs, and serves as a fellowship where you may serve others.
Every second Sunday at 11 a.m. we get togehter to worship. The word of God, spoken, shared, taught, is a high priority for us, and gathering around the Lords table is a great joy. With a love for music, an understanding of prayer as essential, and a wish to hear from regular members of our church, our services have many expressions. Kids church is in a new stage, as we see the growing need to offer more age-specific groups. You may have heard of our welcoming "after service-gatherings" where all generations meet.
Small-groups gathered in private homes, facilitates close-to-life fellowship where members may share faith and doubt, joy and sorrow, and strengthen each others as followers of Jesus the Messiah. Every second Wednesday at 19 p.m. we meet to pray together. Every month we meet with a focus on World Evangelization.
Smaalenene Frikirke is one of 82 congregations in The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway» (ELFCN). If you want to know what kind of theology we represent, you may check out The Lausanne Covenant and The Cape Town Commitment . See also Wikipedia on The Free Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway
We are located at Skjønhaugenga 4, 1860 Trøgstad.